Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts automatically enforce and execute the terms when the specified conditions are met, without the need for intermediaries like lawyers or brokers. Smart contracts run on blockchain networks, where they inherit the blockchain’s properties of immutability, transparency, and security.

Key Features of Smart Contracts

  1. Self-Executing:
    • Once a smart contract is deployed on the blockchain, it will automatically execute its programmed instructions when certain conditions are met. For example, a smart contract could automatically release funds from one party to another when a product is delivered.
  2. Immutable:
    • After being deployed, smart contracts cannot be altered. This immutability ensures that the contract’s terms are enforced exactly as written, without any risk of tampering or fraud.
  3. Decentralized:
    • Smart contracts are executed on a decentralized network of nodes (computers), ensuring that no single party controls the execution. This decentralization enhances trust and security because it eliminates the need for a central authority.
  4. Transparent:
    • The code and execution of smart contracts are visible to all participants on the blockchain. This transparency helps ensure that all parties understand the contract’s terms and trust that it will function as intended.
  5. Autonomous:
    • Smart contracts operate autonomously. Once they are set in motion, they run automatically, without requiring human intervention. This reduces the risk of errors or intentional delays.

How Smart Contracts Work

  1. Creation:
    • Smart contracts are created by developers who write the contract’s logic in a programming language supported by the blockchain, such as Solidity (for Ethereum) or Plutus (for Cardano). The logic includes the conditions that must be met for the contract to execute and the actions that should occur when those conditions are satisfied.
  2. Deployment:
    • Once the smart contract code is written, it is deployed to a blockchain network. Deployment involves publishing the contract to the blockchain, where it becomes part of the distributed ledger and accessible to all network participants.
  3. Execution:
    • When the conditions specified in the contract are met, the smart contract automatically executes the predefined actions. For example, if a smart contract is programmed to release payment once a service is delivered, the payment will be released as soon as the service provider confirms delivery.
  4. Blockchain Verification:
    • The execution of a smart contract is verified by the blockchain’s network of nodes. Each node independently validates the conditions and the resulting actions, ensuring that the contract is executed correctly.

Use Cases of Smart Contracts

  1. Financial Services:
    • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Smart contracts are the backbone of DeFi applications, enabling lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest without intermediaries.
    • Insurance: Smart contracts can automatically trigger claims processing when specific conditions, like flight delays or natural disasters, are met.
  2. Supply Chain Management:
    • Smart contracts can track goods as they move through a supply chain, automatically releasing payments or triggering actions when goods reach certain checkpoints, ensuring transparency and reducing fraud.
  3. Real Estate:
    • Smart contracts can be used to facilitate real estate transactions by automatically transferring ownership and releasing funds once the agreed-upon conditions are met, such as the completion of a property inspection.
  4. Voting Systems:
    • In blockchain-based voting systems, smart contracts can be used to ensure that votes are securely cast and accurately counted, making the voting process transparent and tamper-proof.
  5. Intellectual Property:
    • Artists and creators can use smart contracts to manage the distribution of their digital content. For example, a smart contract can automatically distribute royalties whenever a digital artwork is sold or used.

Advantages of Smart Contracts

  • Efficiency: Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, speeding up transactions and reducing costs.
  • Security: The decentralized nature of smart contracts, combined with cryptographic security, makes them resistant to tampering and fraud.
  • Trust: Parties can trust that the contract will be executed exactly as written, thanks to the transparency and immutability of the blockchain.
  • Reduced Costs: By automating processes and removing intermediaries, smart contracts can significantly reduce transaction costs.

Challenges and Limitations

  • Complexity: Writing secure and error-free smart contracts can be challenging, especially for complex agreements. Bugs in the code can lead to unintended consequences, including financial losses.
  • Legal Recognition: The legal status of smart contracts is still evolving, and in many jurisdictions, traditional legal frameworks may not fully recognize or enforce smart contracts.
  • Scalability: Executing smart contracts requires computational resources, and on some blockchains, this can lead to issues with scalability, especially as the number of transactions increases.

Smart contracts on Cardano are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, just like smart contracts on other blockchain platforms. However, they are built and operate within the unique architecture and environment of the Cardano blockchain, which distinguishes them from smart contracts on other blockchains like Ethereum.

Key Features of Smart Contracts on Cardano

  1. Plutus:
    • Programming Language: Cardano smart contracts are primarily written in Plutus, a programming language based on Haskell, which is known for its strong emphasis on security, correctness, and formal verification.
    • On-Chain and Off-Chain Code: Plutus allows developers to write both on-chain code (the part that runs on the blockchain) and off-chain code (the part that runs on the user’s machine) in the same language, making development more streamlined and reducing the risk of errors.
  2. Marlowe:
    • Domain-Specific Language: Marlowe is another tool available on Cardano, specifically designed for financial contracts. It is a domain-specific language (DSL) that allows non-programmers, such as finance professionals, to create and deploy smart contracts more easily using a simplified and user-friendly interface.
  3. Extended UTXO Model (eUTxO):
    • Transaction Model: Unlike Ethereum, which uses an account-based model, Cardano uses an Extended Unspent Transaction Output (eUTxO) model. This model, an extension of the UTxO model used by Bitcoin, allows for more precise control over smart contract execution and reduces unexpected outcomes by clearly defining what inputs and outputs are involved in each transaction.
    • Parallel Processing: The eUTxO model allows for parallel processing of transactions, which can potentially lead to better scalability and efficiency in smart contract execution compared to the account-based model.
  4. Security and Formal Verification:
    • Formal Methods: Cardano emphasizes security through the use of formal methods, where smart contracts can be mathematically verified to ensure they perform exactly as intended. This reduces the risk of bugs or vulnerabilities that could lead to exploits or unintended consequences.
  5. Scalability and Interoperability:
    • Layered Architecture: Cardano’s smart contracts operate within a layered architecture where the computation layer (Cardano Computation Layer, or CCL) is separated from the settlement layer (Cardano Settlement Layer, or CSL). This separation allows each layer to be optimized independently for scalability and performance.
    • Sidechains and Interoperability: Cardano is designed with interoperability in mind, meaning that its smart contracts can potentially interact with other blockchains and legacy systems, broadening their use cases and applications.

How Smart Contracts on Cardano Differ from Other Blockchains

  1. Programming Language:
    • Cardano (Plutus vs. Haskell): Cardano’s Plutus is based on Haskell, a functional programming language that is less common but offers strong guarantees of correctness and security.
    • Ethereum (Solidity): Ethereum’s smart contracts are written in Solidity, which is a more widely known language but does not have the same emphasis on formal verification and mathematical rigor as Haskell.
  2. Transaction Model:
    • Cardano (eUTXO Model): The eUTxO model used by Cardano allows for more predictable transaction outcomes and better scalability due to its ability to process transactions in parallel.
    • Ethereum (Account-Based Model): Ethereum’s account-based model is more flexible for some applications but can lead to issues with transaction predictability and scalability, particularly as the network grows.
  3. Scalability:
    • Cardano: Cardano’s design, particularly with its use of the eUTxO model and its layered architecture, is aimed at achieving better scalability, allowing the network to handle a large number of transactions and smart contracts without bottlenecks.
    • Ethereum: Ethereum has faced scalability challenges, particularly with high transaction fees and slower processing times during periods of heavy network usage. Ethereum 2.0, which is transitioning to a Proof of Stake (PoS) system, aims to address these issues, but it is still in development.
  4. Formal Verification:
    • Cardano: Cardano’s emphasis on formal methods means that smart contracts can be mathematically proven to be correct, reducing the risk of bugs and vulnerabilities.
    • Ethereum: While formal verification can be applied to Ethereum smart contracts, it is not as integral to the platform’s design, and the majority of smart contracts on Ethereum do not undergo this rigorous verification process.

Practical Implications

  • Security: Cardano’s approach to smart contracts is designed to offer higher security, especially for applications where correctness and reliability are critical, such as financial contracts.
  • Scalability: The eUTxO model on Cardano allows for potentially better scalability, meaning that as the network grows, it can handle more transactions and smart contracts without running into bottlenecks.
  • Accessibility for Non-Developers: With tools like Marlowe, Cardano aims to make smart contracts more accessible to users who may not have a technical background, particularly in the financial industry.

Explain Like I’m Five Years Old (ELI5)

Imagine you and your friend want to make a deal: If your friend cleans your room, you’ll give them a candy. But instead of just trusting each other to follow through, you both agree to write down the deal on a magic piece of paper that follows the rules automatically.

This magic paper is like a smart contract.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Write the Deal: You write down the deal on the magic paper: “If my friend cleans my room, the candy will be given to them.”
  2. Magic Paper (Smart Contract): The magic paper has special powers. Once the deal is written, it watches to see if your friend cleans the room.
  3. Automatic Action: As soon as your friend finishes cleaning the room, the magic paper automatically makes the candy appear in their hand. No one has to do anything; the magic paper does it all by itself!
  4. No Cheating: If your friend doesn’t clean the room, the candy stays with you. The magic paper makes sure the deal is fair and that no one can cheat.

In real life, smart contracts are like this magic paper, but they exist on a computer network called a blockchain. Instead of cleaning rooms and giving candy, smart contracts handle things like money, property, or other agreements, making sure everything happens exactly as agreed, without needing a middleman like a bank or a lawyer.


In summary, smart contracts are a powerful tool for automating and securing agreements on a blockchain. They have the potential to revolutionize many industries by making transactions more efficient, transparent, and secure. However, like any technology, they come with challenges that need to be carefully managed.

Smart contracts on Cardano are designed with a strong emphasis on security, scalability, and formal verification, setting them apart from other platforms. The use of the eUTxO model, Haskell-based programming languages, and a layered architecture makes Cardano’s smart contracts particularly well-suited for applications requiring high assurance and performance.

Helpful References

Cardano Developers Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Smart Contracts on Cardano

1. What are smart contracts on Cardano?

Smart contracts on Cardano are self-executing agreements where the terms are written into code. They automatically carry out actions when predefined conditions are met, without the need for intermediaries.

2. What programming languages are used for smart contracts on Cardano?

Cardano uses Plutus, a smart contract platform built on Haskell, and Marlowe, a domain-specific language designed for financial contracts. Plutus is more flexible and suitable for developers, while Marlowe is designed for non-programmers to build financial contracts easily.

3. How are Cardano’s smart contracts different from Ethereum’s?

Cardano uses an Extended UTxO (eUTxO) model for its smart contracts, which allows for greater scalability and parallel processing of transactions. In contrast, Ethereum uses an account-based model. The eUTxO model ensures that transactions are more predictable and allows for better security and performance.

4. What can smart contracts be used for on Cardano?

Smart contracts on Cardano can be used for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and marketplaces
  • Decentralized applications (dApps)
  • Supply chain tracking
  • Insurance, loans, and financial agreements

5. What is Plutus?

Plutus Programming Language is Cardano’s smart contract development platform that provides tools for writing and deploying smart contracts. It uses Haskell, a functional programming language, known for its high level of security and formal verification.

6. What is Marlowe?

Marlowe is a specialized language designed for creating financial contracts on Cardano. It simplifies the process of creating smart contracts by offering pre-built templates, allowing non-developers like financial professionals to create contracts without coding experience.

7. What is the Extended UTxO (eUTxO) model?

The eUTxO model is an extension of the traditional UTxO model used in Bitcoin, enabling more complex operations. It allows for parallel transaction processing and greater scalability, making Cardano’s smart contracts more efficient and secure than account-based models like Ethereum’s.

8. Is writing smart contracts on Cardano secure?

Yes, Cardano’s use of Haskell for Plutus and formal verification processes ensures a higher level of security. The functional nature of Haskell makes it easier to prove the correctness of smart contracts, reducing the likelihood of bugs or vulnerabilities.

9. Can I deploy DeFi applications on Cardano?

Yes, DeFi applications such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending platforms, and stablecoins can be deployed on Cardano using smart contracts. The scalability and security of the EUTXO model make it a strong platform for DeFi.

10. What are some of the advantages of smart contracts on Cardano?

  • Scalability: The EUTXO model allows for parallel processing, improving transaction throughput.
  • Security: Built with Haskell and formal verification, reducing bugs and vulnerabilities.
  • Efficiency: Lower transaction fees and energy efficiency compared to Proof-of-Work systems.
  • Interoperability: Designed to work with multiple blockchains and systems.

11. What is a validator script in Cardano’s smart contracts?

A validator script is the code that defines the conditions under which a transaction can be validated. It checks whether the requirements for spending UTXOs are met, ensuring that the smart contract executes correctly.

12. Are Cardano’s smart contracts decentralized?

Yes, Cardano’s smart contracts are decentralized. Once deployed, they run on the blockchain autonomously and cannot be altered by a central authority. All actions are executed by the network based on predefined rules.

13. How does Cardano ensure smart contracts are scalable?

Cardano’s smart contracts use the EUTXO model, which allows transactions to be processed in parallel, enabling greater scalability compared to the account-based models that require sequential processing.

14. Can smart contracts on Cardano interact with multiple assets?

Yes, Cardano supports multi-asset functionality, meaning smart contracts can handle ADA as well as other native tokens. This allows for flexible tokenomics and the creation of custom tokens within dApps.

15. How are fees determined for smart contracts on Cardano?

Fees for executing smart contracts on Cardano are generally lower than on other platforms like Ethereum. Fees are determined by factors such as transaction size and complexity, and they are paid in ADA.

16. What tools are available for developers to build smart contracts on Cardano?

Cardano provides tools such as the Plutus Playground for testing smart contracts in a sandbox environment, and Marlowe Playground for building financial contracts. These tools allow developers to write, test, and deploy contracts easily.

17. How do Cardano smart contracts compare in terms of energy efficiency?

Cardano uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is much more energy-efficient compared to Proof-of-Work blockchains like Ethereum (before its upgrade to Ethereum 2.0). This reduces the environmental impact of running smart contracts.

18. Can I audit smart contracts on Cardano?

Yes, smart contracts on Cardano can be audited thanks to their use of formal methods and Haskell-based development. This process helps identify vulnerabilities or bugs before deployment, increasing security.

19. What happens if a smart contract on Cardano fails?

If a smart contract fails (for example, due to unmet conditions), the transaction will not be processed, and the assets involved will remain in their original state. No fees are lost, as the system ensures that only valid transactions are executed.

20. Can businesses benefit from using Cardano smart contracts?

Yes, businesses can use Cardano smart contracts for a wide range of use cases, from supply chain tracking to automated financial agreements, insurance, real estate, and much more. Cardano’s scalability and security make it a strong choice for enterprise applications.


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