In Haskell, exceptions provide a way to handle errors or unexpected situations during runtime, such as file I/O failures, network errors, or division by zero. While Haskell is primarily known for its strong type system and use of Maybe and Either to handle errors explicitly, exceptions are still necessary for dealing with unforeseen errors and providing robustness in real-world applications.

This article explains how exceptions work in Haskell, when to use them, and best practices for handling errors effectively.

The Basics of Exceptions in Haskell

In Haskell, exceptions are typically used in IO actions, where external factors (like file operations or user input) can cause unpredictable issues. Unlike Maybe or Either, which are used for predictable errors in pure code, exceptions are used to handle unexpected errors that can occur outside of the program’s control.

Haskell’s Control.Exception module provides functions to throw, catch, and manage exceptions, similar to exception handling in other languages but with a functional twist.

Types of Exceptions

Exceptions in Haskell can be categorized into two main types:

  1. Synchronous Exceptions: Errors that occur as a direct result of program actions, like dividing by zero or file access errors. These are handled using the Control.Exception module.
  2. Asynchronous Exceptions: Errors that occur independently of the program’s actions, such as user interruptions (pressing Ctrl+C) or timeouts. These are more advanced and require special handling, which we won’t cover in depth here.

Common Functions for Handling Exceptions

The Control.Exception module provides various functions for working with exceptions:

  • throwIO: Throws an exception within an IO action.
  • try: Catches an exception and returns an Either type.
  • catch: Catches an exception and allows you to handle it directly.
  • handle: A wrapper for catch, making it convenient for handling exceptions.
  • finally: Ensures that a final cleanup action occurs after a computation, regardless of whether an exception was thrown.

Let’s look at these functions in more detail with examples.

Throwing Exceptions

In Haskell, exceptions can be thrown using the throwIO function, which works within the IO monad. throwIO takes an exception as its argument and interrupts the current computation with that exception.

Example: Throwing an Exception

import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error (userError)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    throwIO (userError "An unexpected error occurred!")

In this example:

  • throwIO throws a userError, a simple exception with a custom error message.
  • Running this code will print the error message and stop the program.

Catching Exceptions

To catch exceptions, Haskell provides the catch function. catch allows you to specify a handler function that runs when an exception is thrown.

Example: Catching an Exception with catch

import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error (ioError, userError)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    result <- catch riskyAction handler
    putStrLn result

riskyAction :: IO String
riskyAction = do
    throwIO (userError "Something went wrong!")
    return "Success"

handler :: IOError -> IO String
handler e = return $ "Caught an exception: " ++ show e

In this example:

  • riskyAction throws a userError.
  • catch intercepts this exception, and handler returns an error message instead of stopping the program.
  • As a result, Caught an exception: user error (Something went wrong!) is printed.

Using try for Exception Handling

The try function catches an exception and returns an Either value. This makes it convenient to handle errors with pattern matching, just like with Maybe or Either.

Example: Using try

import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error (userError)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    result <- try riskyAction :: IO (Either IOError String)
    case result of
        Left e  -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
        Right val -> putStrLn val

riskyAction :: IO String
riskyAction = do
    throwIO (userError "Failed operation!")
    return "Success"


  • try riskyAction returns an Either IOError String.
  • If an exception occurs, Left e is returned, containing the error message.
  • Otherwise, Right val contains the result, and “Success” is printed.

Ensuring Cleanup with finally

The finally function ensures that a specified action is run after a computation completes, regardless of whether an exception occurred. This is useful for releasing resources, such as closing files or network connections.

Example: Using finally for Cleanup

import Control.Exception
import System.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
    handle <- openFile "example.txt" ReadMode
    contents <- (hGetContents handle) `finally` hClose handle
    putStrLn contents

In this example:

  • finally ensures that hClose handle is called, even if an exception occurs while reading the file.
  • This guarantees that resources are freed properly, preventing resource leaks.

Handling Specific Types of Exceptions

Haskell allows you to catch specific types of exceptions, which is useful for tailoring error handling to different error conditions. For example, you might want to handle IOException differently than other types of exceptions.

Example: Handling Specific Exceptions

import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    result <- try readFileAction :: IO (Either IOError String)
    case result of
        Left e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
                  then putStrLn "File does not exist."
                  else putStrLn $ "An error occurred: " ++ show e
        Right contents -> putStrLn contents

readFileAction :: IO String
readFileAction = readFile "nonexistent.txt"

In this example:

  • try readFileAction attempts to read a file.
  • If the file doesn’t exist, isDoesNotExistError e returns True, and “File does not exist.” is printed.
  • For other IO exceptions, the error message is printed directly.

Best Practices for Exception Handling in Haskell

  1. Use Maybe and Either for Predictable Errors: For errors you can anticipate, such as validation errors, use Maybe and Either instead of exceptions. This keeps your pure functions free of IO and makes error handling more explicit.
  2. Reserve Exceptions for Unforeseen Errors: Use exceptions for truly unexpected errors, such as I/O failures or network errors, where it’s not feasible to handle them with Maybe or Either.
  3. Use try for Safer Error Handling: The try function allows you to handle exceptions in a safe, non-terminating way by returning Either. It’s often more functional than using catch directly, as it lets you avoid mixing pure and impure code.
  4. Free Resources with finally: Always clean up resources (like file handles and network connections) when you’re done with them. finally and bracket (a similar function that also handles setup and cleanup) are great for this.
  5. Handle Specific Exceptions When Possible: Catch specific exceptions when you can, instead of catching all exceptions. This allows for targeted handling of different error types and avoids swallowing unrelated errors.


In Haskell, exceptions provide a way to handle runtime errors in IO actions, complementing Haskell’s type-based error handling with Maybe and Either. By using Control.Exception functions like throwIO, catch, try, and finally, you can handle errors gracefully, ensure resource cleanup, and provide robust error handling.

Key Takeaways:

  • throwIO: Used to throw exceptions within IO.
  • catch and handle: Used to catch exceptions and define custom handlers.
  • try: Catches exceptions and returns an Either type for safer handling.
  • finally: Ensures cleanup actions run regardless of whether an exception occurs.
  • Best Practices: Use Maybe and Either for predictable errors, handle specific exceptions when possible, and clean up resources with finally.

By understanding and effectively using exceptions, you can write Haskell programs that handle errors robustly and make effective use of Haskell’s functional approach to error management.


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