Parameterized Algebraic Data Types – Haskell

Haskell’s algebraic data types (ADTs) are fundamental to the language’s type system, providing a powerful way to define custom data structures that represent complex information. Parameterized ADTs, sometimes known as generic types, add an extra layer of flexibility by allowing these data types to work with different types as parameters. This enables Haskell developers to create reusable and adaptable data structures without duplicating code.

This article will introduce parameterized algebraic data types in Haskell, explain their purpose, and demonstrate how they work through examples.

What Are Algebraic Data Types?

Algebraic data types are a way to define composite data structures in Haskell. ADTs typically come in two forms:

  1. Product Types: Combinations of values (like tuples or records).
  2. Sum Types: Alternatives (choices) between values, often used in “either-or” scenarios (e.g., enums or variants).

These types allow developers to create structures that can hold multiple pieces of data or represent multiple possible types within a single type.

Introducing Parameterized Algebraic Data Types

A parameterized ADT takes one or more type parameters, allowing it to work with various types without being redefined. This type of parameterization is what allows Haskell’s data structures to be generic, making them highly reusable and flexible. Common examples include lists and Maybe types, which you’ve likely used frequently in Haskell.

For example, the Maybe type is defined as:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

The a in Maybe a is a type parameter, meaning Maybe can hold any type. So, Maybe Int is a type for optional integers, Maybe String for optional strings, and so on.

Why Use Parameterized Algebraic Data Types?

Parameterized ADTs allow for:

  • Flexibility: One data structure can work with various types.
  • Code Reusability: Common data structures can be defined once and reused with different types, reducing the need for repetitive code.
  • Type Safety: Parameterized types retain Haskell’s strong typing, which helps prevent runtime errors and ensures consistency in data handling.

Examples of Parameterized Algebraic Data Types

Let’s explore some common and custom examples to understand how parameterized ADTs work in practice.

Example 1: The Maybe Type

The Maybe type represents a value that may or may not exist. It is defined as:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

The type parameter a allows Maybe to work with any type. This is useful when a value may be absent (such as a function that might not return a meaningful result).

Example usage:

safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv x y = Just (x `div` y)

Here, safeDiv returns Maybe Int, with Nothing representing division by zero and Just wrapping the result when defined.

Example 2: The Either Type

The Either type is another parameterized ADT. It is used to represent values that can be one of two types—typically for error handling:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

In Either a b, a is often used for an error type, and b for a success type. For example:

safeParse :: String -> Either String Int
safeParse s = case reads s of
    [(val, "")] -> Right val
    _           -> Left "Parse error"

safeParse returns Either String Int, where Left indicates an error (a parsing failure), and Right holds a successful integer value.

Creating a Custom Parameterized Algebraic Data Type

Let’s create a simple parameterized binary tree. This tree structure allows us to store data of any type in the nodes.

data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

Here, Tree a represents a binary tree with values of type a. Each node can either be a Leaf (an empty node) or a Node with a value and two subtrees.

Example Usage of Tree

Using the Tree type, we can create a binary tree of integers:

treeExample :: Tree Int
treeExample = Node 10 (Node 5 Leaf Leaf) (Node 15 Leaf Leaf)

Or a tree of strings:

stringTree :: Tree String
stringTree = Node "root" (Node "left" Leaf Leaf) (Node "right" Leaf Leaf)

The same Tree structure can hold different types of data, making it a versatile and reusable data structure.

Working with Parameterized ADTs

Parameterized ADTs can be pattern-matched just like regular ADTs. Here’s an example of a function to check if a given tree is a leaf node:

isLeaf :: Tree a -> Bool
isLeaf Leaf = True
isLeaf _    = False

Or, a function to calculate the depth of a tree:

treeDepth :: Tree a -> Int
treeDepth Leaf = 0
treeDepth (Node _ left right) = 1 + max (treeDepth left) (treeDepth right)

The type Tree a works with any type parameter, so treeDepth can calculate the depth of trees of Int, String, or any other type.

Parameterized ADTs in Standard Libraries

Many Haskell standard libraries utilize parameterized ADTs. Some common examples include:

  • Lists: [a], where a is the type of elements in the list.
  • Maps: Map k v, where k is the type of keys and v is the type of values.
  • Tuples: (a, b), where a and b can be of different types.

These parameterized data types provide flexibility to store and operate on various data types without needing to redefine the structure for each new type.

Benefits and Limitations of Parameterized ADTs


  • Generality: Parameterized ADTs offer a way to define a single data type that can work with a variety of types.
  • Reusability: Once defined, these types can be used with different data types, reducing code duplication.
  • Enhanced Type Safety: Parameterized types retain type safety, so each instance of a parameterized type enforces consistent data usage.


  • Increased Complexity: Parameterized ADTs can become complex to work with, especially for beginners or when deeply nested.
  • Type Constraints: Sometimes, you may want certain constraints on the parameter (such as Ord for ordering), which requires additional type class constraints.


Parameterized algebraic data types are a powerful feature in Haskell that allows for creating flexible, reusable, and type-safe data structures. They enable you to define a single data type, like Tree or Either, which can handle different types without needing to be rewritten. Understanding and using parameterized ADTs effectively can lead to cleaner, more maintainable Haskell code and open up new possibilities for handling data generically.

By mastering parameterized ADTs, you’ll be well-equipped to take advantage of Haskell’s type system and create versatile programs that scale with ease. Whether you’re building complex data structures or simply managing optional values, parameterized ADTs are an essential tool for any Haskell developer.


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