What’s the difference between a Value, Type, and Data Constructor in Haskell?

In Haskell, terms like value constructor, type constructor, and data constructor often arise when discussing types and data structures. These terms relate to how Haskell’s type system and data declarations work. While the concepts are interconnected, they serve distinct purposes. Let’s break them down:

1. Type Constructor

A type constructor is used to define new types, especially when those types are parameterized (generic). It is part of a data or newtype declaration and operates at the type level, meaning it defines how types are created.

  • Role: Defines how to create new types, especially parameterized types.
  • Usage: Appears in type signatures, not directly in code.


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
  • Type Constructor: Maybe
    • Maybe is a type constructor that takes one type parameter (a) and produces a new type.
    • Example: Maybe Int, Maybe String, etc.

Think of Maybe as a “type factory.” It’s incomplete on its own but becomes a concrete type when given a specific type parameter, like Maybe Int.

Key Points:

  • Type constructors operate only at the type level.
  • They never appear directly in runtime values.
  • Examples: Maybe, Either, IO, List ([] for lists).

2. Data Constructor

A data constructor is used to create values of a given type. It works at the value level and is part of a data declaration. Data constructors are what you use in your program to build instances of types and to pattern-match against those types.

  • Role: Defines how to construct values of a type.
  • Usage: Appears in actual code to construct or pattern-match values.


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Data Constructors: Nothing and Just

  • Nothing constructs a Maybe value with no data.
  • Just constructs a Maybe value with one data element.

Example Usage:

example1 = Just 5      -- Constructs a value of type `Maybe Int`
example2 = Nothing     -- Constructs a value of type `Maybe a`

-- Pattern matching:
describe :: Maybe Int -> String
describe Nothing  = "No value"
describe (Just x) = "Value is " ++ show x

Key Points:

  • Data constructors operate at the value level.
  • They build or deconstruct values of a type.
  • A type can have multiple data constructors (e.g., Nothing and Just for Maybe).

3. Value Constructor

A value constructor is another term for a data constructor. The two terms are often used interchangeably because data constructors define the actual values of a type. However, “value constructor” is less formal and highlights the fact that these are used to construct values (as opposed to types).

For example:

  • Just and Nothing are both data constructors and value constructors because they construct values of the Maybe type.

How They Relate in a data Declaration

Let’s break it down with another example:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Type Constructor: Either

  • Takes two type parameters (a and b) to create a concrete type, such as Either String Int.

Data Constructors: Left and Right

  • Used to create values of type Either.
  • Example: Left "Error" or Right 42.

Example: Custom Data Declaration with Pattern Matching

Here’s a more complete example to illustrate the relationship:

data Shape
    = Circle Float          
-- Data constructor Circle
    | Rectangle Float Float 
-- Data constructor Rectangle

area :: Shape -> Float
area (Circle r)          = pi * r * r       
-- Pattern match on Circle
area (Rectangle w h)     = w * h            
-- Pattern match on Rectangle

Type Constructor: Shape

  • A single, concrete type with two possible value constructors.

Data Constructors: Circle and Rectangle

  • Used to create values of type Shape.


myCircle = Circle 5.0          -- A value of type Shape
myRectangle = Rectangle 4.0 6.0 -- A value of type Shape

-- Calculating areas:
circleArea = area myCircle          -- Result: 78.54
rectangleArea = area myRectangle    -- Result: 24.0

Key Differences

AspectType ConstructorData Constructor (Value Constructor)
LevelType levelValue level
PurposeDefines new typesDefines values of those types
ExamplesMaybe, Either, ShapeNothing, Just, Left, Right, Circle
Appears inType signaturesCode, pattern matching
ParameterizationOften takes type paramsMay take data as arguments


  • Type Constructor: Operates at the type level, defining new types, often parameterized (e.g., Maybe, Either).
  • Data Constructor (Value Constructor): Operates at the value level, creating and deconstructing values of a type (e.g., Nothing, Just, Circle).

Understanding these concepts is key to mastering Haskell’s type system and effectively using algebraic data types in your programs.


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