Haskell is a statically typed language with a powerful type system. To understand how types are constructed and related, we need to look beyond types themselves to a higher level of abstraction: kinds. Kinds describe the “types of types” and are essential for understanding features like polymorphism and higher-kinded types.

This article dives into the concept of kinds, explains their role in Haskell, and demonstrates their significance in advanced type-level programming.

What Are Kinds?

In Haskell, kinds are the types of type constructors. They describe how types are constructed and help the compiler enforce rules for combining types.

Kinds and Their Role

Just as values have types, types themselves have kinds. Kinds ensure that types are used correctly, especially when dealing with higher-level abstractions like type constructors and type families.

Basic Kinds

Haskell’s kind system includes a few fundamental kinds:

  1. * (Star):
    • Represents concrete types that can have values.
    • Examples: Int, Bool, Char, or [Int].
  2. k1 -> k2 (Arrow):
    • Represents type constructors that take a type as input and produce a type.
    • Examples:
      • Maybe has kind * -> *.
      • Either has kind * -> * -> *.

Examples of Kinds

Concrete Type

:t 5  -- Value: 5 has type Int
:k Int  -- Kind: Int has kind *

Type Constructor

:k Maybe  -- Kind: Maybe has kind * -> *

Maybe is not a concrete type. It’s a type constructor that takes a concrete type (like Int) and produces a concrete type (Maybe Int).

Multi-Parameter Type Constructor

:k Either  -- Kind: Either has kind * -> * -> *

Either takes two concrete types (e.g., Either String Int) to produce a concrete type.

Higher-Kinded Types

Higher-kinded types are type constructors with kinds involving ->. They enable abstraction over type constructors, allowing for generic programming patterns.

Example: The Functor Type Class

The Functor type class works with any type constructor of kind * -> *:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

f must have the kind * -> * (e.g., Maybe, [], or Either e).Attempting to use a type constructor with the wrong kind will result in a compiler error.

Using :k to Inspect Kinds

GHC provides the :k command in GHCi to inspect the kind of a type or type constructor.

Examples in GHCi
:k Int          -- Output: Int :: *
:k Maybe        -- Output: Maybe :: * -> *
:k Either       -- Output: Either :: * -> * -> *
:k Either String -- Output: Either String :: * -> *

Here, Either String is partially applied and becomes a type constructor of kind * -> *.

Polykinds and Type


Haskell’s PolyKinds extension allows type constructors to work over multiple kinds. This is crucial for advanced features like generalized algebraic data types (GADTs) and type families.

{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

data Identity a = Identity a

Without PolyKinds, Identity defaults to kind * -> *. With PolyKinds, it can have a polymorphic kind, such as k -> *, allowing more flexibility.

The Type Kind

In Haskell’s Data.Kind module, * is an alias for Type. This is part of the move toward more explicit kind-level programming.

import Data.Kind (Type)

:k Int          -- Output: Int :: Type
:k Maybe        -- Output: Maybe :: Type -> Type

Custom Kinds with Data.Kind

Haskell allows defining custom kinds using the Data.Kind module. This is especially useful for type-level programming.

Example: A Custom Kind

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

data MyKind = Option1 | Option2

data MyType (x :: MyKind) = MyType

Here, MyKind is a custom kind, and MyType is a type constructor that operates within this kind.

Why Are Kinds Important?

Kinds are crucial for:

  1. Ensuring Type Safety:
    • The compiler checks that type constructors are used correctly.
  2. Abstraction:
    • Enables abstraction over higher-kinded types in libraries like Functor, Applicative, and Monad.
  3. Advanced Type-Level Programming:
    • Custom kinds and PolyKinds allow for sophisticated type manipulation and ensure correctness in complex type hierarchies.

Common Errors and How Kinds Help

Error: Mismatched Kinds

If you apply a type constructor to an argument with the wrong kind, the compiler will raise an error.

:k Maybe Maybe  -- Error: Kind mismatch

Error: Incorrect Use of Higher-Kinded Types

When writing type classes, kinds ensure that type constructors conform to the required structure.


class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

instance Functor Either  -- Error: Kind mismatch

Either has kind * -> * -> *, but Functor expects * -> *.

Correct solution:

instance Functor (Either e) where
  fmap f (Right x) = Right (f x)
  fmap _ (Left x)  = Left x


Kinds in Haskell provide a powerful abstraction for understanding and working with types and type constructors. They serve as the “types of types,” ensuring type safety and enabling advanced features like higher-kinded polymorphism and custom kinds. By understanding kinds, you unlock a deeper level of Haskell’s type system, allowing you to write more expressive and robust code. Whether you’re defining polymorphic functions, working with Functors, or exploring advanced type-level programming, a solid grasp of kinds is indispensable.


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