What’s the difference between a pool and a node on Cardano?

In the Cardano blockchain ecosystem, both pools and nodes are critical components, but they serve different purposes and have distinct roles. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between a stake pool and a node on Cardano:

1. Node

A node in Cardano is a piece of software that runs the Cardano protocol and participates in the network by maintaining a copy of the blockchain, verifying transactions, and relaying information to other nodes.

Key Features of a Node:

  • Maintains a copy of the blockchain: Every node holds and updates its own copy of the Cardano blockchain, ensuring data redundancy and security across the network.
  • Verifies transactions: Nodes check the validity of transactions by ensuring they adhere to the rules of the Cardano protocol, such as correct signatures and available funds.
  • Participates in network communication: Nodes communicate with each other to share information about transactions, new blocks, and other network data.
  • Types of Nodes:
    • Relay Node: A relay node connects to other nodes and facilitates communication across the network, but it doesn’t directly participate in producing new blocks.
    • Block-Producing Node: This is a specialized type of node responsible for adding new blocks to the blockchain when the stake pool it belongs to is selected to produce a block.

2. Stake Pool

A stake pool in Cardano is a network entity that is responsible for producing blocks and participating in Cardano’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. It typically consists of at least one block-producing node and one or more relay nodes.

Key Features of a Stake Pool:

  • Block production: Stake pools compete to be selected to produce new blocks on the blockchain. When a stake pool is chosen (based on the stake it controls and other factors), its block-producing node adds a block to the blockchain.
  • Stake delegation: ADA holders who do not run their own node can delegate their stake to a stake pool, which increases the pool’s chances of being selected to produce a block. The rewards generated by the stake pool are then shared between the pool operator and the delegators.
  • Managed by a Stake Pool Operator (SPO): A stake pool is typically run by an individual or entity known as a Stake Pool Operator (SPO), who ensures that the pool’s nodes are properly maintained, secure, and online.
  • Pledge and fees: Pool operators pledge a certain amount of ADA to the pool to signal their commitment. They also set fees that dictate how rewards are distributed between the operator and the delegators.

Key Differences Between a Node and a Pool:

  • Function:
    • A node is a basic component of the network that processes and verifies transactions, maintains the blockchain, and communicates with other nodes.
    • A stake pool is a collective entity that uses multiple nodes to participate in block production and the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
  • Role in Consensus:
    • Not all nodes are responsible for producing blocks. Relay nodes, for example, do not produce blocks but assist with network communication.
    • A stake pool participates directly in block production when selected, using its block-producing node to add a new block to the chain.
  • Stake and Delegation:
    • A node doesn’t inherently require or manage any stake; it simply performs network tasks.
    • A stake pool accumulates delegated ADA from network participants to increase its chances of being selected for block production and distributes rewards to delegators.
  • Operation:
    • Anyone can run a node with the appropriate hardware and software, contributing to the network’s decentralization without necessarily being involved in block production.
    • A stake pool is run by a dedicated SPO who takes on the responsibility of maintaining the pool’s infrastructure, including both relay and block-producing nodes.


In Cardano, a node is a network participant that maintains the blockchain and verifies transactions, while a stake pool is a specialized entity that participates in block production and consensus, earning rewards based on the stake delegated to it. Nodes are the building blocks of the network’s infrastructure, whereas stake pools are responsible for validating and producing new blocks in the blockchain.


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