• Sections – Haskell

    Haskell is a functional programming language that thrives on concise and expressive code. One of the lesser-known yet elegant features of Haskell is sections, which offer a shorthand way to define functions. If you’ve ever wondered what’s going on when you see partial application involving operators like (+1) or (2*), you’re in the realm of…

  • N-Reduction

    Haskell is renowned for its elegant syntax, type safety, and powerful abstractions. At the core of Haskell’s computation lies its non-strict evaluation model, which enables lazy evaluation. To fully grasp how Haskell evaluates expressions, it’s essential to understand n-reduction, a key concept in Haskell’s computational framework. This article explores what n-reduction means, why it matters,…

  • Type Signatures – Haskell

    Haskell is a statically typed, functional programming language known for its expressive type system. One of the most fundamental aspects of Haskell programming is the type signature, which defines the type of a function or value. Understanding type signatures is essential to writing clear, concise, and type-safe Haskell code. What is a Type Signature? A…

  • 20 Beginner Problems to Solve in Haskell

    Here are some super easy problems for beginners to practice working with, and begin truly understanding, Haskell’s syntax. These problems will help you get familiar with defining functions, using basic types, and applying Haskell’s fundamental features like recursion, pattern matching, and higher-order functions. 1. Hello, Haskell! 🟢 Write a simple function that greets the user.…

  • Point-free Style – Haskell

    Haskell‘s point-free style, also known as tacit programming, is a way of writing functions without explicitly mentioning their arguments. Instead of specifying how arguments are manipulated, point-free style focuses on composing functions to achieve the desired result. This can lead to more concise and expressive code but may also make it harder to read for…

  • Foldable Type Class – Haskell

    Haskell’s Foldable type class is a powerful abstraction for working with data structures that can be “folded” into a single result. Folding is the process of reducing a collection of elements into a summary value, such as a total, a concatenation, or a boolean. This article explains the Foldable type class, its key functions, and…

  • Kinds – Haskell

    Haskell is a statically typed language with a powerful type system. To understand how types are constructed and related, we need to look beyond types themselves to a higher level of abstraction: kinds. Kinds describe the “types of types” and are essential for understanding features like polymorphism and higher-kinded types. This article dives into the…

  • Monads & Monadic Functions – Haskell

    Monads and monadic functions are cornerstone concepts in Haskell, playing a vital role in handling computations with added structure, such as side effects, optional values, or sequences. While monads provide the framework for managing these contexts, monadic functions define the operations within them. Understanding how these two concepts work together is crucial for writing expressive…

  • Fixity – Haskell

    In Haskell, fixity determines how operators are parsed concerning their precedence and associativity. This plays a critical role in how expressions involving multiple operators are interpreted, especially when parentheses are omitted. Understanding fixity allows you to define custom operators with clear and predictable behavior, improving the readability and correctness of your Haskell programs. This article…

  • Thunks – Haskell

    In Haskell, the term “thunk” is fundamental to understanding how the language’s lazy evaluation model works. Thunks are what allow Haskell to defer computations until their results are actually needed. While they provide significant benefits, such as avoiding unnecessary computations and enabling infinite data structures, they can also lead to inefficiencies and issues like space…