• Fixed Monetary Policy

    Fixed monetary policy refers to a predefined, unchangeable supply of a currency that limits the total amount that can ever be created. Once the maximum supply is reached, no additional units of the currency can be issued, ensuring that the total supply remains fixed permanently. This approach contrasts with traditional fiat currencies, where central banks…

  • KMZ Sidechains

    KMZ Sidechains refer to a specific sidechain design proposed for the Cardano blockchain. The name “KMZ” comes from the authors of the research paper that describes them: Kiayias, Miller, and Zindros. The goal of KMZ sidechains is to enable secure and scalable communication between the main blockchain (like Cardano) and sidechains, which are independent blockchains…

  • Turing-complete Programming Language

    A Turing-complete programming language is a type of computational system that can simulate any algorithm or computation, given enough time and memory. In other words, if a programming language is Turing-complete, it means that it can solve any problem that a Turing machine (a theoretical model of computation invented by Alan Turing) can solve, provided…

  • What’s the difference between a pool and a node on Cardano?

    In the Cardano blockchain ecosystem, both pools and nodes are critical components, but they serve different purposes and have distinct roles. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between a stake pool and a node on Cardano: 1. Node A node in Cardano is a piece of software that runs the Cardano protocol and participates in…

  • Is there a Cardano Virtual Machine (VM)?

    Blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and others that use an account-based ledger model can be thought of as a single, large, interconnected system, where the state of the blockchain is continuously changing. Every account, balance, contract, and transaction is interdependent, forming a complex web of interactions. All of this activity must be managed in a unified…

  • Two-layer Architecture (Blockchain)

    The two-layer architecture in blockchain refers to the design where different functions of the blockchain are separated into two distinct layers. In Cardano, this architecture consists of: This division allows Cardano to optimize the performance and flexibility of the blockchain for various use cases. Here’s a breakdown of each layer using Cardano as the example:…

  • Stake Pool Operator (SPO)

    A Stake Pool Operator (SPO) on Cardano is an individual or organization responsible for maintaining and operating a stake pool, which is a network node that validates transactions and secures the blockchain. Stake pool operators play a crucial role in the Cardano ecosystem by managing these nodes, which contribute to the decentralization and stability of…

  • How to Become a Stake Pool Operator on Cardano

    How to Become a Stake Pool Operator on Cardano

    Becoming a stake pool operator on the Cardano blockchain is an exciting opportunity for those looking to participate actively in the Cardano ecosystem while earning rewards. Stake pool operators (SPOs) play a crucial role in securing the network, validating transactions, and maintaining decentralization. If you’re interested in running your own stake pool, this guide will…

  • Professor Aggelos Kiayias

    Professor Aggelos Kiayias

    Professor Aggelos Kiayias is a renowned computer scientist and cryptographer, widely recognized for his pioneering contributions to blockchain technology and cryptographic protocols. He serves as the Chair in Cyber Security and Privacy at the University of Edinburgh and the Chief Scientist at Input Output Global (IOG), a leading blockchain research and development company. With a…

  • User Issued Assets (UIAs)

    User Issued Assets (UIAs) on Cardano refer to custom tokens created by users on the Cardano blockchain, alongside the native ADA cryptocurrency. Cardano allows users to issue, transfer, and manage their own assets without needing smart contracts, which is unique compared to other blockchains like Ethereum. Here’s how UIAs work on Cardano: The Foundation: Cardano’s…