Proof-based Consensus Algorithms

Proof-based consensus algorithms are mechanisms used in decentralized networks (like blockchain systems) to achieve agreement on the state of the system, ensuring that all participants (nodes) agree on the same version of the data (e.g., transactions) without a central authority. These algorithms are based on requiring participants to provide a “proof” to validate their participation in the consensus process. These proofs often serve as a way to prevent malicious activity and ensure fairness and security in the network.

Types of Proof-based Consensus Algorithms

Here are some of the most common proof-based consensus algorithms:

1. Proof of Work (PoW)

  • How it works: Nodes (miners) compete to solve a complex cryptographic puzzle, and the first one to solve it gets the right to add a new block to the blockchain. The puzzle usually involves hashing a set of transactions and finding a hash below a certain target value.
  • Proof: The proof is the solution to the cryptographic puzzle, which proves that the miner expended computational resources.
  • Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum (before its transition to Proof of Stake).
  • Advantages: Secure and proven over time.
  • Disadvantages: Energy-intensive and slower in processing transactions.

2. Proof of Stake (PoS)

  • How it works: Instead of solving cryptographic puzzles, validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they “stake” (lock up) as collateral. The more tokens a validator stakes, the higher their chance of being chosen.
  • Proof: Validators must prove that they hold and are willing to lock up a significant amount of tokens as a guarantee of good behavior.
  • Examples: Ethereum 2.0, Cardano, Polkadot.
  • Advantages: Energy-efficient and can achieve faster transaction times compared to PoW.
  • Disadvantages: Validators with more wealth (stake) may have more control over the network.

3. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)

  • How it works: Token holders vote to elect a small number of delegates (validators) to create new blocks. These delegates take turns in producing blocks and validating transactions.
  • Proof: The proof involves the delegated stake (votes from the community), which authorizes specific nodes to act on their behalf.
  • Examples: EOS, TRON.
  • Advantages: Efficient and scalable, offering high throughput.
  • Disadvantages: Centralizes power in the hands of a few elected delegates.

4. Proof of Authority (PoA)

  • How it works: A small set of validators are pre-approved based on their reputation or authority, and they are trusted to create blocks.
  • Proof: The authority or identity of the validator acts as the proof, ensuring that only reputable actors can participate in block creation.
  • Examples: VeChain, Xodex, TomoChain, and private or permissioned blockchains.
  • Advantages: Highly efficient and offers high throughput.
  • Disadvantages: Centralized and not fully decentralized, as it relies on trusted validators.

5. Proof of Burn (PoB)

  • How it works: Participants “burn” (destroy) a certain amount of cryptocurrency by sending it to an unspendable address. This burning action gives them the right to create new blocks.
  • Proof: The proof is the irreversible destruction of tokens, showing that the validator has sacrificed value.
  • Examples: Slimcoin, Counterparty, Factom.
  • Advantages: Prevents hoarding and incentivizes participation.
  • Disadvantages: Wasteful, as valuable tokens are destroyed permanently.

6. Proof of Space (PoSpace) / Proof of Capacity (PoC)

  • How it works: Validators allocate a significant amount of disk space for storing cryptographic data (called plots). The probability of creating a new block increases with the amount of space a node allocates.
  • Proof: The proof is the allocated storage space that the validator dedicates to the process.
  • Examples: Signum, SpaceMint, Storj, PermaCoin, Areweave, Chia.
  • Advantages: Less energy-intensive compared to PoW.
  • Disadvantages: Requires large amounts of storage space and could encourage centralization in participants with more resources.

7. Proof of Time and Space (PoTS)

  • How it works: This combines both time and storage space to determine who creates new blocks. Time is used to prevent quick rewrites of the blockchain, while space is used similarly to PoSpace.
  • Proof: Participants provide proof of having dedicated both time and storage capacity to securing the network.
  • Examples: Chia (integrating both time and space elements).
  • Advantages: Energy-efficient and secure.
  • Disadvantages: Requires significant storage capacity.

8. Proof of Activity (PoA)

  • How it works: Combines Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). Blocks are forged by miners following PoW, and checked by validators using PoS. Miners first compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle (as in PoW), but after finding a solution, the block is completed by a randomly selected group of stakers.
  • Proof: Initially involves PoW to generate a block header, followed by PoS where stakeholders sign off the block.
  • Examples: Decred, Espers.
  • Advantages: Attempts to combine the security of PoW with the efficiency of PoS.
  • Disadvantages: Inherits some of the disadvantages of both PoW (energy-intensive) and PoS (wealth centralization).

9. Proof of Importance (PoI)

  • How it works: Proof of Importance is an enhanced version of Proof of Stake (PoS), introduced by the NEM (New Economy Movement) blockchain. PoI doesn’t just consider the amount of cryptocurrency staked but also factors in a user’s overall contribution to the network, such as transaction activity, relationships with other participants, and node activity. It seeks to incentivize active participation in the ecosystem, rather than rewarding only those with large holdings.
  • Proof: A participant’s “importance score” is calculated based on:
    • The amount of cryptocurrency they own.
    • The volume of transactions they make.
    • Their network activity and connectivity.
  • Example: In NEM, validators (called harvesters) are selected based on their PoI score, which is determined by their stake, activity, and interactions with the network. This ensures that those who contribute to the network’s growth and security have a better chance of being chosen to validate blocks.
  • Advantages:
    • Encourages network participation beyond merely staking.
    • Promotes decentralization by giving more weight to active users.
  • Disadvantages:
    • More complex to calculate compared to traditional PoS.

10. Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)

Relies on trusted hardware (Intel SGX), which may be a point of centralization or vulnerability.

How it works: Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) is a consensus mechanism developed by Intel, mainly used in permissioned blockchains. PoET randomly selects validators based on the amount of time they have waited (elapsed) in a queue. Each node in the network generates a random wait time, and the node with the shortest wait time is selected to validate the next block. The wait times are securely generated and verified using Intel’s SGX (Software Guard Extensions), which guarantees randomness and fairness.

Proof: The “proof” is the random wait time generated by each node, with the shortest time winning the right to create a block.

Example: PoET is used in the Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain platform, where validators are randomly chosen to ensure fairness and energy efficiency.


  • Fair selection process without requiring high computational resources.
  • Extremely energy-efficient compared to Proof of Work (PoW).


  • Relies on trusted hardware (Intel SGX), which may be a point of centralization or vulnerability.

11. Proof of Contribution (PoCo)

  • How it works: Proof of Contribution (PoCo) is a consensus algorithm that rewards participants based on their contributions to the network. This contribution can take many forms, including providing computing power, sharing resources, or even participating in governance decisions. The goal of PoCo is to measure each participant’s contribution fairly and reward them accordingly.
  • Proof: Participants must prove their contributions in ways that can be verified by the network, such as submitting computational work, offering storage, or providing other resources.
  • Example: PoCo is used in networks like iExec, and Render Network, where participants contribute computing resources to render images or graphics. Contributors are rewarded based on the amount and quality of the work they complete.
  • Advantages:
    • Encourages diverse contributions, not limited to staking or computational power.
    • Flexible and adaptable to various types of decentralized applications.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Complexity in measuring and verifying contributions across different dimensions.

12. Proof of History (PoH)

  • How it works: Proof of History (PoH), developed by the Solana blockchain, is a unique consensus mechanism that relies on a cryptographic clock to prove that events or transactions occurred at a specific time. PoH provides a way to timestamp transactions without needing to rely on validators to order them, significantly increasing the blockchain’s throughput and efficiency. PoH is often used in conjunction with Proof of Stake (PoS) to validate blocks and maintain network security.
  • Proof: PoH uses a verifiable delay function (VDF) that generates a cryptographic sequence of events, establishing a history of what happened and when. This timeline allows the network to verify the sequence of transactions quickly.
  • Example: Solana uses PoH to achieve high scalability and fast transaction times by reducing the workload on validators for transaction ordering.
  • Advantages:
    • Extremely fast and scalable, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.
    • Reduces the load on validators by pre-ordering transactions.
  • Disadvantages:
    • More complex to implement compared to other consensus mechanisms.
    • Still requires PoS for final block validation and security.


Proof-based consensus algorithms are essential for achieving decentralized consensus in blockchain networks by requiring participants to provide evidence (proof) of their involvement, whether through computational effort, token ownership, or other means.

Each type of proof offers different trade-offs between security, efficiency, and decentralization, making them suitable for various blockchain designs and use cases.


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