Pseudo-randomness refers to the generation of numbers or values that appear random but are produced by a deterministic process, typically through algorithms. These algorithms, called pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs), use a seed value to generate sequences of numbers that seem random but are reproducible if the seed is known.

While truly random processes rely on natural phenomena (like radioactive decay or thermal noise), pseudo-random processes are based on mathematical formulas. Pseudo-randomness is vital in cryptography, simulations, and algorithms, where controlled randomness is needed.

Example of Pseudo-randomness:

Imagine you have a simple algorithm that generates numbers based on an initial seed (e.g., the time of day). If you start with the same seed, the sequence of numbers will always be the same, though they may appear random.

Key Concepts Related to Pseudo-randomness in Cryptography

1. Multi-party Computation (MPC)

Multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic method that enables multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private from one another. MPC can be used to generate pseudo-random values in a decentralized and trustless way.

  • How MPC Relates to Pseudo-randomness: In a multi-party setup, participants can collaborate to generate a pseudo-random number that no single party controls. Each party contributes a secret input, and the output appears random to all participants. Even if one party is compromised, the randomness of the result is maintained, as long as the majority remain honest.
  • Example in Blockchain: In decentralized systems, such as blockchain lotteries or election systems, MPC can be used to generate random numbers (or other secret values) without requiring trust in any single entity. The randomness is guaranteed by the combined input of all participants.

2. Verifiable Random Functions (VRF)

A Verifiable Random Function (VRF) is a cryptographic primitive that produces a pseudo-random output that can be verified as being generated by a specific input (like a public key or a message). VRFs allow a party to generate a random value and a proof, where both the value and proof can be verified by others to ensure the value was generated correctly and fairly.

  • How VRFs Relate to Pseudo-randomness: A VRF ensures that a random output is pseudo-random but verifiable by others. This means the randomness is not truly random in the natural sense but still unpredictable to anyone who doesn’t know the secret (private key). The proof allows third parties to verify that the random value wasn’t manipulated or biased by the generator.
  • Example in Blockchain (Cardano): Cardano uses VRFs to select block producers (called slot leaders) in its Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol. The VRF generates a pseudo-random number to determine which validator (or stake pool) is selected to create the next block. Importantly, the generated random number and proof can be publicly verified by other nodes in the network, ensuring fairness and security.

Combining MPC and VRF for Secure Pseudo-randomness

In decentralized systems, achieving truly unbiased and fair randomness is crucial for tasks like leader selection, lottery systems, or determining outcomes. MPC and VRF can be combined to ensure that pseudo-random values are both secure and verifiable:

  • MPC for Decentralized Randomness: Using multi-party computation, participants in a decentralized network can jointly generate a random value. Since no single party controls the outcome, the random number can be trusted to be unbiased.
  • VRF for Verifiability: Once the random value is generated (either via MPC or some other method), VRFs can be used to ensure that the random number was produced honestly and that no party can manipulate the result. The VRF ensures that the random output can be publicly verified without revealing the secret input that generated it.

Application in Blockchain (e.g., Cardano)

In Cardano’s Ouroboros PoS protocol, both pseudo-randomness and VRF play critical roles in ensuring the fairness of leader selection:

  • Cardano uses a VRF to determine which stake pool (validator) is chosen as a slot leader to create the next block. Each stake pool runs a VRF using its private key to generate a pseudo-random number. If this number falls below a certain threshold (determined by their stake), they are chosen as the leader.
  • The output of the VRF and its proof can be verified by anyone in the network, ensuring that the selection process is fair and cannot be tampered with.


  • Pseudo-randomness: Refers to the generation of numbers or values that seem random but are generated by deterministic processes.
  • Multi-party Computation (MPC): A cryptographic technique that enables multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their private inputs, often used for decentralized and unbiased randomness generation.
  • Verifiable Random Functions (VRF): A cryptographic function that produces a pseudo-random value along with a proof that can be verified to ensure the fairness and correctness of the randomness.

In decentralized systems like Cardano, these concepts are critical for ensuring the fair, secure, and verifiable selection of participants in processes such as block validation, leader selection, or other consensus mechanisms.


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