Record Syntax – Haskell

In Haskell, records provide a way to create data types with named fields, making it easier to work with complex data structures. Record syntax is particularly useful when you have a data structure with multiple fields, as it allows you to access, modify, and create values in a more readable and convenient way. In this article, we’ll dive into Haskell’s record syntax, explore its benefits, and see how to use it effectively.

What is Record Syntax?

Record syntax in Haskell is a way of defining data types with named fields, which is particularly useful for managing structured data. Instead of relying on positional arguments, records allow you to reference fields by name, making the code more self-documenting and readable.

Basic Record Syntax

Let’s start with a simple example:

data Person = Person
  { name :: String
  , age  :: Int
  , city :: String
  } deriving (Show)

In this example:

  • Person is a data type representing a person.
  • name, age, and city are fields of Person, each with a specified type.
  • deriving (Show) automatically creates a Show instance so that we can print a Person value easily.

With record syntax, we can use field names to construct and access data. Here’s how:

Creating a Record

john :: Person
john = Person { name = "John Doe", age = 30, city = "New York" }

Using named fields makes it clear which value corresponds to which field, improving readability and reducing errors when working with large data structures.

Accessing Fields

Record syntax automatically generates accessor functions for each field, allowing us to retrieve values easily.

getName :: String
getName = name john  -- "John Doe"

getAge :: Int
getAge = age john    -- 30

getCity :: String
getCity = city john  -- "New York"

Here, name, age, and city are functions that access the respective fields of a Person value.

Updating Records

Haskell records are immutable, meaning they can’t be changed in place. However, you can create a modified copy of a record using the field update syntax.

olderJohn :: Person
olderJohn = john { age = 31 }

In this example, olderJohn is a copy of john with the age field updated to 31, while the original john record remains unchanged. This field update syntax allows you to create modified versions of records concisely.

Benefits of Record Syntax

  1. Readability: Field names make the code more self-documenting, especially in complex data structures.
  2. Convenience: Accessor functions and field update syntax simplify data retrieval and modification.
  3. Error Prevention: Named fields reduce the risk of mistakenly assigning values to the wrong position, which can happen in data structures without named fields.

Limitations of Record Syntax

Despite its benefits, Haskell’s record syntax has a few limitations, especially in larger projects:

  1. Field Name Conflicts: If you define multiple data types with fields of the same name, Haskell will raise a conflict because it generates a global accessor function for each field name.
data Car = Car { name :: String, year :: Int }
data Book = Book { name :: String, author :: String }

In this case, both Car and Book have a name field, leading to a conflict. Haskell lacks built-in support for namespacing fields to avoid this issue.

A simple approach to overcome this is to use unique prefixes for fields in each data type, like carName and bookName, to manually avoid conflicts.

2. Limited Extensibility: Haskell’s record syntax doesn’t support subtyping or inheritance directly, making it less flexible for complex data hierarchies.

Alternatives and Extensions

To overcome some of these limitations, there are alternatives and extensions available:

  1. Record Wildcards: The RecordWildCards extension allows you to use wildcards to initialize and pattern-match records, reducing boilerplate code. Here’s an example of initializing fields with wildcards:
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

printPerson :: Person -> String
printPerson Person {..} = name ++ " is " ++ show age ++ " years old from " ++ city

Here, .. expands to all fields of Person, making it easier to access them without repeating each field name.

2. DuplicateRecordFields: The DuplicateRecordFields extension allows you to reuse field names across different data types, resolving the conflict issue:

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

data Car = Car { name :: String, year :: Int }
data Book = Book { name :: String, author :: String }

With this extension, both Car and Book can have a name field without conflict.

3. Lenses: The Lens library is a popular solution for managing and updating records in Haskell. Lenses offer a powerful abstraction for working with nested data structures and handling immutable updates concisely.

-- Using Lens to modify a field
import Control.Lens

johnUpdated = john & age .~ 32

Here, the Lens library provides a .~ operator to update age, making record manipulation more expressive and flexible, especially in deeply nested structures.

Using Record Syntax for Pattern Matching

Record syntax also supports pattern matching, allowing you to match specific fields of a record directly in function arguments.

greetPerson :: Person -> String
greetPerson Person { name = n, city = c } = "Hello " ++ n ++ " from " ++ c

In this example, we match the name and city fields of Person and use them directly within the function body. Pattern matching with records is a useful way to destructure data while keeping the code concise.

Example Use Case: Modeling a Student

Let’s put it all together with a practical example of a Student record:

data Student = Student
  { studentId :: Int
  , studentName :: String
  , major :: String
  , gpa :: Double
  } deriving (Show)

-- Creating a student record
student1 :: Student
student1 = Student { studentId = 101, studentName = "Alice", major = "Computer Science", gpa = 3.8 }

-- Accessing fields
getStudentName :: Student -> String
getStudentName s = studentName s

-- Updating fields
improvedStudent :: Student
improvedStudent = student1 { gpa = 4.0 }

-- Pattern matching with records
describeStudent :: Student -> String
describeStudent Student { studentName = name, major = m } = name ++ " majors in " ++ m

This example demonstrates a simple record definition for a Student, along with functions for creating, accessing, updating, and pattern-matching on student records.


Haskell’s record syntax provides a convenient way to define and work with structured data types. By naming fields, records make data more readable and maintainable, offering accessor functions and convenient update syntax. While Haskell’s record system has some limitations, extensions like RecordWildCards and DuplicateRecordFields, as well as libraries like Lens, offer additional functionality and flexibility.

By understanding and effectively using record syntax, you can write Haskell code that is more expressive, robust, and easier to maintain. Whether you’re defining complex data structures or simply want to make your code more readable, records are an invaluable tool in Haskell’s type system.


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