• Sections – Haskell

    Haskell is a functional programming language that thrives on concise and expressive code. One of the lesser-known yet elegant features of Haskell is sections, which offer a shorthand way to define functions. If you’ve ever wondered what’s going on when you see partial application involving operators like (+1) or (2*), you’re in the realm of…

  • N-Reduction

    Haskell is renowned for its elegant syntax, type safety, and powerful abstractions. At the core of Haskell’s computation lies its non-strict evaluation model, which enables lazy evaluation. To fully grasp how Haskell evaluates expressions, it’s essential to understand n-reduction, a key concept in Haskell’s computational framework. This article explores what n-reduction means, why it matters,…

  • Monads & Monadic Functions – Haskell

    Monads and monadic functions are cornerstone concepts in Haskell, playing a vital role in handling computations with added structure, such as side effects, optional values, or sequences. While monads provide the framework for managing these contexts, monadic functions define the operations within them. Understanding how these two concepts work together is crucial for writing expressive…

  • Fixity – Haskell

    In Haskell, fixity determines how operators are parsed concerning their precedence and associativity. This plays a critical role in how expressions involving multiple operators are interpreted, especially when parentheses are omitted. Understanding fixity allows you to define custom operators with clear and predictable behavior, improving the readability and correctness of your Haskell programs. This article…

  • Space Leaks – Haskell

    Haskell is a powerful, lazy functional programming language that emphasizes purity and immutability. While its lazy evaluation model provides numerous benefits, it also introduces potential pitfalls, such as space leaks. Space leaks can lead to excessive memory consumption, degrading the performance of Haskell programs. This article explores what space leaks are, why they occur, and…

  • Return – Haskell

    For newcomers to Haskell, the return function can be confusing, especially for those transitioning from imperative programming languages where return is used to exit a function and provide a result. In Haskell, return means something entirely different. It’s a fundamental concept in monadic programming, and understanding its role is key to mastering Haskell. This article…

  • Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

    Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also known as postfix notation, is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands. In relation to Haskell, RPN is not a core language feature but is relevant when implementing or understanding stack-based computations or evaluating expressions using a stack. It is often encountered in the context of parsing, expression…

  • Recursive SNARKs

    Recursive SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge) are an advanced cryptographic technology being explored and implemented on Cardano to enhance scalability and privacy. In simple terms, recursive SNARKs allow multiple computations to be compressed into a single, compact proof that can be verified efficiently. This has transformative potential for blockchain systems like Cardano by enabling…

  • Type vs. Newtype vs. Data in Haskell

    Haskell provides multiple ways to define custom types: type, newtype, and data. Each serves a distinct purpose and is optimized for specific use cases. While they can sometimes appear interchangeable, understanding their differences is crucial for writing efficient, type-safe, and expressive Haskell code. This article will explore the key distinctions between type, newtype, and data,…

  • What’s the difference between a Value, Type, and Data Constructor in Haskell?

    In Haskell, terms like value constructor, type constructor, and data constructor often arise when discussing types and data structures. These terms relate to how Haskell’s type system and data declarations work. While the concepts are interconnected, they serve distinct purposes. Let’s break them down: 1. Type Constructor A type constructor is used to define new…