• The Blockchain Trilemma

    The Blockchain Trilemma refers to a concept in blockchain development that suggests there is a trade-off between three key properties: decentralization, scalability, and security. According to this trilemma, it is challenging for a blockchain to fully optimize all three of these properties simultaneously. Instead, developers often have to make compromises and prioritize two at the…

  • Custodial Wallet

    A custodial wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet where a third party (such as an exchange or financial service provider) holds and manages the private keys on behalf of the user. In other words, the user does not have direct control over the private keys, which are necessary to access and manage their cryptocurrency.…

  • Web 3.0

    Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, refers to the next generation of the internet that emphasizes decentralization, user control, and the integration of blockchain technology. It represents a shift away from the current Web 2.0 model, which is dominated by centralized platforms and big tech companies, toward a more user-centric, secure, and open…

  • Digital Notary

    A digital notary is a service or technology that verifies and authenticates digital documents, transactions, or signatures, ensuring their integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation (meaning the signer cannot deny their involvement). Like a traditional notary public, a digital notary serves as a trusted third party, but it operates in the digital space using cryptographic techniques to…

  • Cryptography

    Cryptography is the science of securing information by transforming it into a format that only authorized parties can understand and access. It involves using mathematical techniques to encode and protect data from unauthorized access, ensuring privacy, integrity, and authenticity of communications or data storage. Cryptography is essential for many modern technologies, including internet communications, online…

  • Genesis Coins

    In the Cardano ecosystem, Genesis Coins refer to the original coins that were minted at the inception of the network. These coins were created during the network’s “genesis block,” which is the very first block of transactions in the Cardano blockchain. At the launch of Cardano, the genesis block contained a pre-determined number of ADA…

  • Account-Based Model vs. eUTxO Model: A Deep Dive into Blockchain Architectures

    Account-Based Model vs. eUTxO Model: A Deep Dive into Blockchain Architectures

    As blockchain technology continues to evolve, different architectures are being adopted to improve scalability, security, and transaction handling. Two primary models currently dominate the landscape: the Account-Based Model, popularized by Ethereum, and the eUTxO Model, championed by Cardano. These models represent fundamentally different approaches to managing user balances, executing transactions, and supporting smart contracts. In…

  • What is the Cardano Constitution?

    The Cardano Constitution is an evolving concept that represents a set of guiding principles or rules designed to govern the Cardano blockchain. It is part of Cardano’s vision for on-chain governance and decentralization. The Cardano Constitution will establish a framework for decision-making, allowing the Cardano community to actively participate in the future development and management…

  • Blockchain Explorers

    Blockchain explorers are websites or online tools that provide detailed information about the activities and transactions happening on a blockchain. These platforms allow users to search, view, and analyze blockchain data in a transparent and accessible way. Blockchain explorers serve as a public window into the blockchain, providing insights into blocks, transactions, addresses, smart contracts,…

  • Fixed Monetary Policy

    Fixed monetary policy refers to a predefined, unchangeable supply of a currency that limits the total amount that can ever be created. Once the maximum supply is reached, no additional units of the currency can be issued, ensuring that the total supply remains fixed permanently. This approach contrasts with traditional fiat currencies, where central banks…