The Difference Between Strict and Lazy Functions in Haskell

Haskell is known for its lazy evaluation model, a distinctive feature that sets it apart from most other programming languages. In Haskell, computations are delayed until their results are actually needed. This concept of laziness can be contrasted with strict evaluation, which is the default in many other languages where expressions are evaluated immediately when they are encountered.

Understanding the difference between strict and lazy functions in Haskell is crucial to writing efficient and correct programs. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of strict and lazy evaluation and how they affect the behavior and performance of Haskell functions.

Lazy Evaluation in Haskell

In Haskell, lazy evaluation means that expressions are not evaluated until their values are required. This allows Haskell to work with potentially infinite data structures and avoid unnecessary computations, leading to more efficient execution in certain scenarios.

How Does Laziness Work?

When you define a function or an expression in Haskell, the computation is not performed immediately. Instead, a thunk (a promise to compute the value later) is created. The expression is evaluated only when the result is actually needed. This technique is called call-by-need.

Example of Laziness:

let x = 10 + 5

In most languages, x would be immediately evaluated as 15. In Haskell, x is not computed until you use it. If x is never used, the expression 10 + 5 will never be evaluated.

Lazy Evaluation with Infinite Lists

One of the most powerful demonstrations of laziness is Haskell’s ability to work with infinite data structures. You can define a list that goes on forever and still safely work with it because only the parts of the list that are needed will be computed.


take 5 [1..]  -- Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Here, [1..] defines an infinite list of integers starting from 1. The take function extracts only the first 5 elements. Thanks to lazy evaluation, Haskell never tries to generate the entire infinite list; it only computes what is necessary.

Benefits of Lazy Evaluation:

  • Efficiency: Laziness allows Haskell to avoid unnecessary computations, potentially improving performance in cases where not all data is needed.
  • Modularity: Laziness enables powerful abstractions such as infinite data structures, separating the concerns of data generation from data consumption.
  • Composability: You can build complex computations using lazy constructs and only compute results when required.

However, laziness can sometimes introduce space leaks if not managed properly, where thunks accumulate and consume more memory than necessary.

Strict Evaluation

Strict evaluation means that expressions are evaluated as soon as they are bound to a variable or passed to a function. This is the opposite of Haskell’s default lazy behavior. A function is said to be strict if it evaluates its argument(s) before proceeding with its computation.

In Haskell, you can explicitly force strict evaluation using tools like seq or by using strict data types.

Example of Strict Evaluation with seq:

strictSum :: Int -> Int -> Int
strictSum x y = x `seq` y `seq` (x + y)

In this example, seq forces the evaluation of x and y before the addition occurs, ensuring that both arguments are strictly evaluated. Normally, in Haskell, this wouldn’t happen until the result of x + y is actually needed.

When to Use Strict Evaluation?

Strict evaluation can be beneficial in situations where:

  • Avoiding space leaks: Laziness can lead to the accumulation of deferred computations (thunks), which take up memory. Strict evaluation avoids this by evaluating values early.
  • Performance improvements: In some cases, strict evaluation can lead to better performance, especially in tight loops or when working with large data sets, as it avoids the overhead of deferred computations.

Strict Data Types

Haskell also provides strict data structures, where fields are evaluated immediately upon construction. For example, you can define a strict version of a data type by using the ! symbol to enforce strictness:

data StrictPair = StrictPair !Int !Int

In this case, both components of StrictPair will be evaluated immediately when the pair is created, rather than lazily.

Comparing Strict and Lazy Functions

Lazy Example:

lazyFunction :: [Int] -> Int
lazyFunction xs = head xs + 1

This function is lazy because it will only evaluate head xs when the result is actually needed. If xs is an infinite list, this function can still return the first element of xs + 1 without evaluating the entire list.

Strict Example:

strictFunction :: Int -> Int -> Int
strictFunction x y = x `seq` y `seq` (x + y)

Here, seq ensures that x and y are evaluated strictly before their sum is calculated. This avoids building up thunks and ensures that no unevaluated expressions are carried around.

When to Use Lazy vs. Strict?

  • Lazy Functions:
    • Use when you want to take advantage of deferred computations.
    • Great for working with infinite data structures or when you want to avoid unnecessary work.
    • Default in Haskell, so no special syntax is needed.
  • Strict Functions:
    • Use when you need to avoid space leaks or when laziness introduces too much overhead.
    • Useful for performance-critical code or when working with large datasets.
    • Requires explicit use of seq or strict data types.


Haskell’s lazy evaluation model allows you to write elegant and efficient programs by delaying computations until they are truly needed. This can make your code more modular and expressive, especially when working with large or infinite data structures. However, laziness can sometimes lead to performance issues such as space leaks, so it is important to understand when and how to use strict evaluation to optimize performance and control memory usage.

Knowing when to use strict or lazy functions in Haskell is key to writing efficient and robust programs. By mastering the balance between laziness and strictness, you can take full advantage of Haskell’s power and flexibility.


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