Unique Syntax of Haskell: Exploring Key Language Features

Haskell is a purely functional programming language known for its elegant and expressive syntax. While many programming languages share common structures and conventions, Haskell has several unique syntactic elements that make it stand out. From the use of apostrophes in function names to its strict conventions around type casing, Haskell’s syntax is designed to enhance readability, maintainability, and mathematical rigor.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the unique syntax features of Haskell, including the use of apostrophes (') in function names, Haskell’s type casing conventions, and other distinctive syntactic elements that set the language apart.

1. Apostrophes (') in Function and Variable Names

One of Haskell’s unique syntactic features is the ability to use an apostrophe (') in function and variable names. This is a legal character that you can place at the end of identifiers, and it is often used to indicate a slightly modified version of a function or variable.

How Apostrophes Are Used:

  • The apostrophe is most commonly used to indicate a variation of a function that already exists.
  • It is purely a naming convention and has no intrinsic behavior or meaning attached to it. The function with an apostrophe behaves just like any other function.


-- A simple function
sumList :: [Int] -> Int
sumList = foldr (+) 0

-- A modified version of sumList, denoted by the apostrophe
sumList' :: [Int] -> Int
sumList' = foldl (+) 0

In this example, sumList sums up a list using a right fold (foldr), while sumList' is a variant of the original function that uses a left fold (foldl). The apostrophe in sumList' suggests that it’s a slightly different version of sumList.

Why Use Apostrophes?

  • Clarity: It helps differentiate similar functions or versions of a function without having to come up with completely new names.
  • Convention: You’ll often see apostrophes used in libraries or within a program to signify modified or safer versions of functions. For example, it’s common to use foo and foo' to distinguish between two closely related definitions.

2. Type Casing: Conventions for Naming Types and Functions

Haskell has strict conventions for naming types and functions that make the code more consistent and easier to understand at a glance. These conventions are largely inspired by mathematical notation and the goal of making Haskell code more predictable.

Capitalization Rules:

  • Type and Constructor Names: In Haskell, type names and constructor names must begin with an uppercase letter.Example:
data Person = Person String Int

In this example, Person is a data type, and Person (on the right-hand side) is also a constructor. Both start with uppercase letters.

Function and Variable Names: By contrast, function and variable names must begin with a lowercase letter.


isAdult :: Person -> Bool
isAdult (Person _ age) = age >= 18
  • Here, isAdult is a function name, and it starts with a lowercase letter. The rule applies to all functions and variables in Haskell.

Why the Distinction?

  • Readability: This casing convention makes it easy to differentiate between types, constructors, functions, and variables just by glancing at the code.
  • Pattern Matching: In pattern matching, constructors and data types must be capitalized, while variables are lowercase. This distinction reduces ambiguity when writing patterns.


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
isNothing Nothing = True
isNothing _       = False

In this example:

  • Maybe, Nothing, and Just are type and constructor names, and they are capitalized.
  • isNothing is a function and starts with a lowercase letter.

3. Infix Functions and Operators

Haskell allows certain functions to be used in infix form, where they are placed between their arguments (like traditional mathematical operators). This feature is most commonly seen with standard operators like +, -, and *, but you can also define your own functions to be used infix.

Example of Infix Usage:

-- Normal function application
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

-- Using an operator in infix form
result = 3 `add` 4  -- Result: 7

In this case, the function add is used between its arguments by enclosing it in backticks. This allows us to use any function that takes two arguments in infix form.

Defining Custom Operators:

You can also define your own custom operators using symbolic characters:

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
xs ++ ys = xs ++ ys

The function ++ is already predefined in Haskell as the list concatenation operator, but you can define similar symbolic functions using characters like +, *, or even combinations like ->.

4. Curried Functions

In Haskell, functions are curried by default. This means that a function that takes multiple arguments can be called with fewer arguments, returning a new function that takes the remaining arguments.

Example of Currying:

add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

-- Calling add with just one argument
addFive = add 5

In this example, add takes two arguments, but when we call it with only one argument (5), it returns a new function addFive that takes the second argument and adds 5 to it.

Why Currying?

Currying enables you to create specialized versions of a function easily, making Haskell functions highly modular and reusable.

5. List Comprehensions

List comprehensions are a distinctive and powerful syntactic feature in Haskell, allowing you to construct lists in a way that is similar to set notation in mathematics.


-- List comprehension to generate a list of squares
squares = [x^2 | x <- [1..10], x `mod` 2 == 0]

This comprehension creates a list of squares of even numbers from 1 to 10. List comprehensions provide a concise way to generate and filter lists based on conditions.

6. Function Composition

Haskell encourages composing functions using the composition operator (.). Function composition allows you to combine two functions into a single function that applies them sequentially.


-- Two simple functions
double :: Int -> Int
double x = x * 2

increment :: Int -> Int
increment x = x + 1

-- Composing functions
doubleThenIncrement = increment . double

In this example, doubleThenIncrement applies double to a number first, then applies increment to the result. This style of composition leads to highly expressive and concise code.

7. Strings are Lists

In Haskell, strings are simply lists of characters. While many other programming languages have a dedicated String type (such as std::string in C++ or String in Java), Haskell represents strings as a list of Char values. This means that anything you can do with a list, you can also do with a string. The type signature for a string in Haskell is:

type String = [Char]

This shows that a String is just shorthand for [Char]—a list of characters.


"hello" :: String  -- This is a list of characters ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

Since strings are lists, you can use any list function on them. This opens up a lot of flexibility when working with strings in Haskell.

Working with Strings as Lists:

Concatenation: Since strings are lists, you can use the list concatenation operator ++ to join strings together.

"Hello, " ++ "world!"  -- Result: "Hello, world!"

Accessing Elements: You can access individual characters in a string using list indexing functions, like head or !!:

head "Hello"   -- Result: 'H'
"Hello" !! 1   -- Result: 'e'

List Comprehension with Strings: You can manipulate strings using list comprehensions, just like any other list. For example, filtering out vowels from a string:

removeVowels :: String -> String
removeVowels str = [c | c <- str, not (c `elem` "aeiou")]

removeVowels "Hello"  -- Result: "Hll"

Benefits of Strings as Lists:

Powerful List Functions: Since strings are lists, you can apply powerful list processing functions like map, filter, foldl, and foldr to strings directly. For example, converting a string to uppercase using map:

import Data.Char (toUpper)

map toUpper "hello"  -- Result: "HELLO"

Pattern Matching: You can also use pattern matching on strings just like you would with lists. For instance, matching on the first character of a string:

greet :: String -> String
greet ('H':_) = "Hello!"
greet _       = "Hi!"

greet "Hello"  -- Result: "Hello!"
greet "World"  -- Result: "Hi!"

Performance Considerations

While treating strings as lists gives you flexibility, it can also lead to inefficiencies. Lists in Haskell are linked lists, which means accessing elements by index or concatenating strings can be slower than in languages with more optimized string handling. To improve performance in more intensive applications, you can use more efficient string-like data types, such as Data.Text from the text library or Data.ByteString for binary data.


Haskell’s syntax is designed to be both expressive and rigorous, borrowing heavily from mathematical conventions to promote clarity and precision. Unique features such as the use of apostrophes in function names, strict type casing rules, and powerful tools like function composition and currying allow Haskell to stand out as a functional programming language. Understanding these syntactic elements is key to unlocking the full power of Haskell and writing code that is both elegant and efficient.

By embracing Haskell’s unique syntax, you can write clean, modular, and highly readable programs that take full advantage of the language’s functional paradigm.


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